Monday, November 24, 2008

Mobility @ Your Library

For the CSLA Conference program, "M-Learning", I created a list of TOP 10 categories of mobility applications for libraries and posted details on my 2CoolTools blog. Each category has a separate post, which makes it easier to comment or make suggestions. I'm always looking for examples of how libraries use technology.

Top 10 Categories
1- Reference and Research – anytime, anywhere
2- Language Translation Services
3- Disaster Planning/Emergency Preparedness
4- Assistive Technology
5- Administrative
6- Productivity Tools
7- Outreach/PR
8- Publishing – mobile blogging and more
9- Programs
10- M-Learning (educational)

The examples need compelling stories to go with them. Let us know how you use (or would use) mobile devices in your library.

Best wishes.

Jackie Siminitus

1 comment:

Terry Lai, SFUSD Teacher Librarian said...

I cannot find the mobility presentation from this link.