Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Facebook Manners - YouTube Video
Monday, April 27, 2009
"Shmoop wants to make you a better lover (of literature, history, poetry and writing). See many sides to the argument. Find your writing groove. Understand how lit and history are relevant today. We want to show your brain a good time. Our mission: To make learning and writing more fun and relevant for students in the digital age."
Shmoop content is written primarily by Ph.D. and Masters students from top universities, like Stanford, Berkeley, Harvard, and Yale. Many of our writers have taught at the high school and college levels. We hold ourselves to the highest academic standards. We source our work (see the "Citations" tab in each history section, or in-line citation links throughout our literature and poetry content). Teachers and students should feel confident to cite Shmoop as a source in essays and papers.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Contest - Guess New Name of PBwiki

Hi PBwiki Educators!
Next month PBwiki is changing its name! That's right, while we still make the same great easy-to-use product, our beloved Peanut Butter sandwich will be heading into retirement.
Your PBwiki Team
PS: Remember to guess our new name and get a free vintage PBwiki tee-shirt!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
ANIMOTO for your (Library) CAUSE?
Check out Animoto for a fun, and easy-to use tool for promoting libraries, literacy, and librarians. This is a good tool for promoting (or having students promote) strong school libraries, including equitable access to library resources.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
YouTube.EDU -- Research B4 Applying to College
High School students and their parents may want to check out this site when doing research on colleges or planning campus visits.