Monday, November 24, 2008

Mobility @ Your Library

For the CSLA Conference program, "M-Learning", I created a list of TOP 10 categories of mobility applications for libraries and posted details on my 2CoolTools blog. Each category has a separate post, which makes it easier to comment or make suggestions. I'm always looking for examples of how libraries use technology.

Top 10 Categories
1- Reference and Research – anytime, anywhere
2- Language Translation Services
3- Disaster Planning/Emergency Preparedness
4- Assistive Technology
5- Administrative
6- Productivity Tools
7- Outreach/PR
8- Publishing – mobile blogging and more
9- Programs
10- M-Learning (educational)

The examples need compelling stories to go with them. Let us know how you use (or would use) mobile devices in your library.

Best wishes.

Jackie Siminitus

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Education Tech Committee Suggested Project

There are 2 new things required in the 2010 tech plans for schools. One is Internet Safety. CTAP Region 4 has that pretty well covered with their poster, powerpoints, and other great stuff.
THe other is Copyright. We could do a great service for California schools if we developed copyright lesson plans and continuum to support this. You can check out some of the resources I have links to at my copyright page for starters.

George Pilling
District Library Media Supervisor
Visalia Unified School District

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Web 2.0 Tools for Students

COMING SOON!!! Web 2.0 Tools Tutorial for Middle Schoolers

Suggested Opening page, a prototype (no links) (

Monday, November 10, 2008

CSLA Conference Workshop

Check out information on the Education Technology Workshop on Sunday, November 23. Go to the Conference Wiki ( Click on M-Learning: Learning on the Go in the sidebar.